The TL;DR -vv of my life:

  • I have made some rounds in the tech industry.
  • Currently I’m back in engineering, getting started with some data science work.
  • Recently I spent about 5 years as what’s called a Developer Advocate. Since this can vary wildly, what that meant for me professionally right now is that I develop content like blogs, white papers, guides, podcasts, conference presentations, and so forth about topics relevant to software development.
  • In my pre-DevRel life I focused on infrastructure and worked most frequently in AWS.
  • I don’t usually “work outside of work” - my interests outside of my dayjob are mostly non-overlapping with tech stacks and so forth.
  • I mostly focus on learning about social sciences, race, finance, and basically any other topic that I can find to learn 1 ) the state of life in the United States and 2 ) how to make that state suck less.
  • That said, I may make some blog posts about tech and have occasionally done so historically as you’ll see in the migrated blog posts.
  • I have a cat who is fluffy and I love very much.
  • I have Celiac and it doesn’t suck too much
  • I unforunately do have other GI issues that do suck very much.
  • I have a fountain pen hobby that Got Complicated™️ quickly
  • I have an aquarium with a mantis shrimp (video ~5 min) in it.
  • My favorite author is Mona Eltahawy.